Joli Mapa Yuma-Eskymo x Mia-Tuk Of The Morning Valley

BORN 14.06.2004

For information about the breed or future breedings you can allways contact us.

If you'd like to see what our puppy's look like young and grown up continue on this page for former litters!


age 6 weeks 





Arctic Nunavut 

means: from our Arctic land

We call her: Nuna

Sex: female

Nuna is a spicy lady with a lot of power and bone. She is a real outgoiing kind of girl who is happy she is the compagnion of Co-Mingo Voyagers Arctic Aipa (Multi CH. Cold Valley's Quoderat x VDH CH. Cold Valley's Sinequanon) and Ralph & Petra Geomini-Gerits

age 6 weeks 







means: beautifull boy

We call him: Nuka

Sex: male

Nuka is an open minded, happy boy with a natural ease and cuiriossity towards kids. He now is the true compagnion of a very stable Malamute Lady called Sila (9 years), Leon and Manuela Geraedts, their three young and playfull kids and the Friesch Horses they breed.

age 6 weeks 






means: our apple of the eye

We call him: Taku

Sex: male

Taku is a true malamute with an enourmous self esteem, stability an a dignity that is allready there. He like's to watch and look before he leaps! He is in the wunderfull compagnion of Cryiing Wolf  Utaq, an eight year old, big malamute male we resqued with help of the AMCB from a shelter two years ago. Their proud owner is Kees Molema.

age 6 weeks 







means: son of  Yumaeskymo

We call him: Yuma

Sex: male

Yuma is a real playfull malamute who likes to turn his play in to work. And he is in the opportunity to do so with Christoph Wyssenbach and his Malamute team in the Swiss mountains. In the compagnion of two malamutes from Europe and one from Alaska he will be able to feel a lot of snow unther his feet!

age 6 weeks 







means: howling wolf

We call him: Magu

Sex: male

Magu is a real charmer with his beautifull face and markings. He knows exactly to "who-whooo" you where ever he wants. Luckily he has found an intelligent boss who is allways two steps a head in Ben and Jeanette Langendonk. They were allready the proud owners of Nanouk (inside information: a Cold Valley Lady from a combination of Sammac and Wingy). Magu is also to share is life with a flog of at least 13 Kakatoo's Ben and Jeanette bred.


age 6 weeks 







means: magnificent wolf

We call her: Tikaani

Sex: female

Tikaani, our number 10 in the Akima-Gayuk pack, at this moment is a true Tuka-copy in apperance and caracter.The ability to mingle easy in the pack and still do her own thing, the kissing all the time, allway's beiing there right by your side (and unther your feet....) She is looking in our eyes with the same love and invitation as her mum. "Let's go" is in her eyes so we can't wait to see and find out if she can work like her mother...





PEDIGREE  pups Yuma x Tuka  2004

Sex: 4 males 2 females

Breeder: Akima-Gayuk J.P.A. & S.E. de Hoogh-Luidens, Holland


Multi Ch.Joli Mapa Unitedlove

GGF: Joli Mapa Ollie-B-Bommel

GGM: CH. Orphée



Joli Mapa Yumaeskymo


CH'Mani Tatonka Issues Of Yukon

GGF: Multi Ch AMCB Clubwinner Yupik's Gizmo

GGM: Dschingin Of Sunny Mountains



Multi Ch AMCB Clubwinner Yupik's Gizmo

GGF: CH. Mobear's Mountain Man

GGM: CH. Yupik's Nakina Sno-Bunny


Mia-Tuk Of The Morning Valley GM: Our Youra Of Borakis Line GGF: CH. Heritage KB Tribut Of Chinook

GGM: Isis Of Keewatin